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JAG Poems

Thank you for visiting my blog site.
What originally started out as a simple experiment has blossomed into a minor obsession.
Please check the archives on lower left of blog site for other poems and prose. I hope you enjoy my musings, odd links and above all, my thoughts.
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Friday, January 16

If I should ever.......

If I should ever……….

He's righteous and strong,
Caring and seldom (ha) wrong
Once there were memories, promises and dreams
Our future together is gone, it seems?
Harm, you're the spirit in the beat of my everyday life

If I should ever…again..
open my heart
it'll be for him

Bravery becomes her, along with beauty an' grace
Daily. I'm missing her and that lovely face.
There is strength in her stance and resolve
Once an us? Not sure, now, overly complicated and involved
but….. she's a part of my everyday soul

If I should ever…
find the courage of words to say
Sarah, Stay! Grace the rest of your tomorrows with me.

Friday, January 16, 2004

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Legal Stuff

Posting of poems for TV series JAG Disclaimer: JAG and all its characters belong to Belisarius Productions, Paramount, CBS, Viacom, and probably endless others. No copyright infringement intended, nor am I making any moola, money,pennies or dimes off these simple words, feelings and fantasies.

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