Friday, May 16, 2003
Sleeping Beauty: 25 years later
Morning birds were chirping a happy tune while a brilliant sun rose over the hillside waking the valley below. The prince just finished feeding and watering the horses and began leading them out to the fenced-in pasture. Closing the gate, he looked around and noticing the bright blue sky, He was smiling and began walking back to the castle. 'Good day to be alive', he thought as he began inhaling the cool crisp air.
Walking up the steps to his office and looking out at the countryside, sadly shaking his head at the condos and urban sprawl had eaten up the countryside landscape. 'Progress', he thought as he sat and began logging on the computer., waiting for the e-mail to arrive. He started to glance at the financials of his corporation, Prince Charming Inc., his successful rental business- The renting of white knight outfits and horses to unwary men in pursuit of their own princesses. 'No e-mail requests, no poor snooks to be hoodwinked into the unholy state of marriage", amusingly he said to himself. The ringing alarm startling him out of his reflections. Time to wake-up sleeping beauty, sighing as he proceeded down the hall on the way to his princess's room. Walking briskly and passing his unemployed son's room, Prince Jr, the smell of old socks whiffing through the air. Prince Jr.- The result of one night of unbridled passion many years ago. Smiling to himself, he began recalling that night, they were quite creative that night, a memory in the making. And that spell, of undying love from just one kiss, changing his life forever.
Opening the door and entering the Princess's room, he was bombarded by loud window-rattling snoring. 'A woodcutter could make a fortune', he thought as he began moving the empty boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. Once it was the apple that was the temptation and the curse, now years later, it was the result of a buy one dozen, get one dozen free promotion and a sugar-induced sleep. Bending over and brushing the wisp of hair away from her face, he kissed her gently and said in a low voice "Sleeping Beauty, time to wake-up". He began turning to walk out of the room and silently cursing to himself "Ha! Happily ever after?" "Damn you, Brothers Grimm!"
jerseygirl353 1:51 PM
Monday, April 07, 2003
Why the snows of April?
Why the snows of April? Born of Mother Nature's wrath Reminders of the winter, to teach the lack of love Penance for the insurrection's peril The march of war's unforgiving path No beauty left for all to see, from the God above
Why the snows of April? No warmth to fill the days, the cold to cause all flowers to die Only tears from Angels, Only tears for the unjust Brings forth summer days of anger and hate's far reaching vigil In a world blooming full of lies That spring is only a matter of trust
jerseygirl353 12:21 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
this is test of the blog weaver
jerseygirl353 1:57 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Sweet Words Remember those sweet words, from so long ago. When we held the world in the palm of our hands An' the moon and stars cast a dreamy glow.
Did you ever wonder what I was thinking? Did you ever care about my day?
Remember those tender words that we spoke: Of promises, Of vows long into the night Of need and desire in the morning when we woke
Did you ever utter the words "I love you"? Did you ever notice I went away?
Remember the gentle words, to our babies Together, we would rock and sing Our plans for the future, the should've and the maybe's
Did you ever consider that harsh talk would make me run? Did you ever praise our children, our son?
Where were those sweet words from so long ago? When did we change? When did we stop growing? When did we know? That sweet words turned to cruel words, it must have occurred When resentment replaced the language of love Was it something like that? Was it all of above?
How I long to hear those sweet words, whispered softly in my ear instead of the sound of lonely falling tears.
jerseygirl353 11:27 AM
Monday, March 10, 2003
Wedding & Ceremony Vows - Traditional, Personalized, Classic, Humorous Vows - UltimateWedding.com
jerseygirl353 6:42 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2003
Morning Songs
Morning Songs are the sweetest they bring hope to the new day's dawn an' capture sniglets of dreamland before the reality of life sets in
Morning songs free my heart allowing love to shine thru calm gentle rhythms soothe my soul as i await the evenings call
jerseygirl353 4:41 AM
Friday, March 07, 2003
All my life
His eyes reflecting love’s crystal hues
As Mac departs the plane and strolls through the arrival gate, a handsome figure leaning against the wall catches her eyes. Instinctively her body moves in his direction, their eyes never leaving one another. As she bridges the distance, a warmth falls over her body, her heart races . . . . He moves closer to her, the faint scent of his cologne enveloping her. She is dizzy from the excitement of being so close to him. Barely able to speak, she whispers, "Have you been waiting long?"
He cups her face with his right hand, tracing her lips with his thumb. She is about to drown in the blueness of his eyes as he answers her "All my life" in a husky voice that makes her weak in all the right places.
Slowly he moves his mouth toward hers and gently places a kiss on her full lips. He pulls away slightly, just to see the emotion--the love--reflected in her eyes. Overcome with years of pent up desires, he captures her mouth with his, sweeping her into his arms, their bodies finally melding into one.
jerseygirl353 6:44 PM