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Monday, May 19, 2003
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Sleeping Beauty: 25 years later

Morning birds were chirping a happy tune while a brilliant sun rose over the hillside waking the valley below. The prince just finished feeding and watering the horses and began leading them out to the fenced-in pasture. Closing the gate, he looked around and noticing the bright blue sky, He was smiling and began walking back to the castle. 'Good day to be alive', he thought as he began inhaling the cool crisp air.

Walking up the steps to his office and looking out at the countryside, sadly shaking his head at the condos and urban sprawl had eaten up the countryside landscape. 'Progress', he thought as he sat and began logging on the computer, waiting for the e-mail to arrive. He started to glance at the financials of his corporation, Prince Charming Inc., his successful rental business- The renting of white knight outfits and horses to unwary men in pursuit of their own princesses. 'No e-mail requests, no poor snooks to be hoodwinked into the unholy state of marriage", amusingly he said to himself. The ringing alarm startling him out of his reflections. 'Time to wake-up his princess', sighing as he proceeded down the hall on the way to her room. Walking briskly and passing his unemployed son's room, Prince Jr, the smell of old socks whiffing through the air. Prince Jr.- The result of one night of unbridled passion many years ago. Smiling to himself, he began recalling that night, they were quite creative that night, a memory in the making. And that spell, of undying love from just one kiss, changing his life forever.

Opening the door and entering the Princess's room, he was bombarded by loud window-rattling snoring. 'A woodcutter could make a fortune', he thought as he began moving the empty boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. Once it was the apple that was the temptation and the curse, now years later, it was the result of a buy one dozen, get one dozen free promotion and a sugar-induced sleep. Bending over and brushing the wisp of hair away from her face, he kissed her gently and said in a low voice "Sleeping Beauty, time to wake-up".
He began turning to walk out of the room and silently cursing to himself "Happily ever after? Damn you, Brothers Grimm!"



Sleeping Beauty: 25 years later

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